HG2BG will be an in-person symposium. Please contact us via our symposium email (hitchhikersguide2biogal@gmail.com) for any questions.

Travel Awards

We understand the profound impact conferences can have on one's academic and professional growth. We also recognize the financial constraints many students face when it comes to conference attendance. With this in mind, we are thrilled to announce the availability of travel grants for the upcoming Hitchhiker's Guide to the Biomolecular Galaxy symposium.

We are dedicated to making this extraordinary symposium accessible to as many enthusiastic students as possible. While we wish we could fully fund every applicant, our resources are limited. Nonetheless, we are committed to offsetting the cost for as many participants as we can.

To be considered for a travel grant, please submit this application by Sunday, April 7th. We encourage you to highlight your passion for biophysics research, your academic achievements, and your financial needs in your application. Together, let's make this symposium a resounding success and a memorable learning experience for all. We eagerly await your application and look forward to welcoming you on this interstellar adventure through the biomolecular cosmos!

These travel awards must be administered as reimbursements. Upon arrival at the symposium, kindly visit the registration desk, where you will be provided with two forms to complete. Once we have received your completed forms, we will promptly process your travel award reimbursement. To facilitate this process, please ensure that you retain and submit copies of all receipts related to your travel and accommodation expenses for the symposium.


Application Link